You don't have to pay a lot to fly from one part of your country to another! Cheap domestic flights, however, can be a little tricky to find. You have to know where to look to find that cheap flight. Never assume you have to pay the full fare advertised by the airline, whether in a newspaper ad or online. Finding these lower priced flights, however, will take some effort on your part. The airlines won't go out of their way to give you lower priced flights, so you have to find them. This article will provide you with some suggestions on finding cheap domestic flights. A domestic area would be El Nido and you'll definitely love it there. Make your travel plans include a saturday stay. If you stay over saturday night your airfare will be significantly less. This could mean flying during the week or even longer than a week (if you fly somewhere on Saturday) but the savings could make the extra time worth it. Most people don't realize this has been true for years. For at least a couple of decades people have known that one of the keys to getting cheap domestic flights is staying over on a Saturday night. You'd be insane to not want a longer vacation for less money.
If you want to get cheap domestic flights, travel in the middle of the week. Some airlines will give discounts to those who stay over on Saturdays. They will also usually offer lower rates for flights that happen between Tuesday morning and Thursday evening. This is because convenience dictates that weekends are the best time to travel.
Jobs make it difficult for many people to travel during the week. Many airplane seats remain vacant weekdays. Needing to fill each flight is what makes the tickets cheaper. The more unsold tickets on a flight, the steeper the discount will be. Traveling to El Nido is no worries. Watch out for consolidators. Some perfectly respectable companies do indeed offer great deals on flights. Sadly, there are just as many who will take your money and run. Many of these are fly by night companies who, when they fold, disappear with your money, leaving you with no usable tickets.
Therefore, you have to be cautious about buying your tickets through consolidators. To avoid being victimized by a bogus company, ask for a recommendation from an airline for a legitimate company they deal with. It's no fun at all to be planning a vacation and find out that the company you were dealing with disappeared with your money.
Getting cheap domestic flights does not have to be difficult. Common Sense, that's what it takes to get cheap airfare. Think about it: to get the best rate on anything, what do you do? You do your research, you compare prices and you see who will give you the best deal? It's no different with shopping airfare. This article has given you the knowledge you need to save yourself alot of money on travel plans.